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Post-Operative Instructions – Breast Augmentation

  1. A responsible adult MUST drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours.
  2. The effects of the anesthetic may remain for 24-48 hours. If able, get up and walk around as soon as possible, or at least sit up in bed to get blood flowing through your legs. Get help to the bathroom for at least 24 hours.
  3. It is extremely important to limit the use of your arms for 1-3 weeks. Avoid stretching or lifting over 5 pounds during the first week.
  4. Do not remove the bra for any reason. This is to remain on and dry for a minimum of 6 weeks to 3 months and serves as a dressing.
  5. Elevate the head and shoulders on two pillows and sleep on your back for the first 3 days after surgery.
  6. You must eat with all medications to prevent nausea, heavy and greasy foods should be avoided.
  7. Take medications exactly as directed. ALCOHOL is strictly prohibited. It is important to have food in your stomach before taking medications. If you should become nauseated or develop a rash, please call the office. Resume regular medications unless your doctor directs otherwise. Remember, you will need to avoid ASPIRIN and ASPIRIN-CONTAINING products for two weeks after surgery. You may drive after 3-4 days unless you do not feel up to it. Do not drive, however, if you are taking prescription pain medicine or muscle relaxers.
  8. No smoking of any kind or exposure to second-hand 6 weeks after surgery, tis will result in poor surigcal outcomes.
  9. The incisions are covered with glue and/or Steri-strips. Do not remove them until they begin to come off. You may shower after the doctor authorizes it (approximately 2 days post-op). No submerging in water for 6 weeks.
  10. It is common to have numbness about the breasts for several weeks to months. Feelings of sharpness, burning, or other sensations are common in the healing process. Occasionally the nipples may become overly sensitive for a short period of time. You may have bruising and swelling which should subside over the first 1 to 3 weeks.
  11. You must use your judgment and call the office immediately if you are concerned about a possible complication.