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BODY LIFT – Orange County, CA
What Is A Body Lift?
A Body Lift (aka Lower Bodylift or Belt Lipectomy) is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and fat from the abdomen, flanks, and back are removed. The six-pack muscles are tightened to flatten the stomach area. The belly button is preserved and brought out through a new incision. Body Lifts can often be combined with liposuction of the lateral thighs to remove fat and lift the thigh skin as well.
Who is a Good Candidate for a Body Lift?
Body Lift patients ideally are in good physical condition. Many have lost a significant amount of weight from either bariatric surgery procedures (such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgeries) or from diet and exercise. Regardless of the method of weight loss, they should ensure that they maintain their lowest possible weight to optimize their results. Once their weight is stable, patients will usually come in with excess skin of the arms and thighs, sagging breasts, and abdominal and back rolls that need to be removed.
Due to the risks of malnutrition from bariatric procedures, patients who have had a gastric bypass or a gastric sleeve should have close follow-up with their bariatric surgeons to make sure they are on the appropriate vitamins and supplements to promote healing after surgery.
If you are planning on having (more) children or are still losing a significant amount of weight after your weight loss surgery, you should wait until you are finished having children and your weight has stabilized at its lowest point before getting a Body Lift.
How Do I Prepare for a Body Lift?
As mentioned above, patients should wait until they are done having kids before having a Body Lift. Patients will also have the best results if they obtain their lowest possible weight prior to surgery and maintain it afterwards. Regaining weight after surgery may lead to suboptimal results.
The day before surgery, you may be asked to eat only a liquid diet and to drink a laxative. This will help you to empty your bowels so that your surgeon will be able to tighten your muscles as much as possible during surgery.
What Goes Into The Body Lift Procedure?
Body Lifts generally take anywhere from 5 to 6 hours to complete. Patients are placed under general anesthesia for the entire case.

A large incision is made circumferentially around the waistline, and a smaller incision is made around the umbilicus/navel. A “flap” of skin and fat is elevated from the underlying buttock and abdominal muscles. The muscles are then sewn together in the midline of the abdomen to create a firmer, flatter abdomen as well as a narrower waistline. Liposuction of the lateral thighs is usually performed to remove excess fat.
The flap of skin over the buttocks and lateral thighs is pulled up to provide a butt lift and thigh lift, and the flap of skin and fat over the abdomen is then pulled down over the flattened muscles. The excess tissue is cut off, and the belly button is placed in its new position. The incisions are sutured, and drains are left to remove any fluid under the flaps as they heal.
What Is The Recovery After A Body Lift?
Most patients will be able to go home the same day. On occasion, an overnight stay in the hospital is required – more common when multiple procedures are combined or when patients have multiple medical problems. Recovery time can range from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the patient.
Patients will have to stay flexed at the hips in a “beach chair” position for several days. After that, they will be allowed to slowly straighten their abdomens (this allows for proper healing before stretching out the abdominal incision). Drains are placed in the front and back and are usually removed within 2-3 weeks as drainage decreases.
A scar will form around the entire lower body where the incision was placed. Over time, the incision generally softens and fades. Usually it is low enough to be hidden within your underwear or a bikini. Scar massage starting at 3 weeks will help to soften it faster, and silicone gel or strips may be helpful with any hypertrophic scars.
It is very important to maintain your weight with diet and exercise after surgery in order to maintain your results.

What Are The Risks Of A Body Lift?
There are always risks associated with surgery and anesthesia, and the anesthesiologist will discuss these with you. Every effort is made to minimize them. Risks related to Body Lifts include:
• Wound healing issues (small areas of separation along the skin that usually heal on their own within a few weeks)
• Seroma (fluid collections underneath the skin that may need to be drained)
• Asymmetry
• Suboptimal aesthetic result
• Poor scarring
• Loose skin (especially with weight fluctuation after the surgery)
• Abnormal skin sensation (most commonly in the middle lower abdomen)
• Need for revision surgery
When Will I See My Results?
Most of your results will be apparent immediately! Your abdomen, waistline, and back will be slimmer than they previously were. However, the tummy tends to have swelling that can take a few weeks to months to go away completely. It takes time for your veins and lymphatics to grow back and drain that fluid.
You will likely have some bruising all around that will resolve over the course of a few weeks. However, once you’ve healed, the results are permanent! We always recommend that you exercise and eat nutritiously to maintain a healthy weight – this will help you keep your new, fantastic results!
Always be sure to consult with a Board Eligible or a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to determine if getting a Body Lift surgery is right for you! Dr. David Nguyen specializes in post-bariatric (weight loss) patients and would be happy to see you in consultation to walk you through the process and discuss your results. Call 657-900-5055 for a free consultation today!
Body Lift Cost: Starts at $19,000 $16,500 (Limited Time Only!)
Back Lift (Upper Back Lift): Starts at $9,325 $7,825 (Limited Time Only!)
Buttock Lift (Completion Body Lift): Starts at $10,450 $8,950 (Limited Time Only!)
Price includes anesthesia fees, surgery center fees, surgeon’s fees, and follow-up fees.
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