There are very few times in life where I had put myself out on the line for the world to judge me, and this Grand Opening Party was one of them. I’ve always been the type of person to go out of my way to support others at their events, their life milestones, and their celebrations. However, I’ve never enjoyed asking others to support me for anything, so oftentimes I don’t.
I think many of us have a tendency to shy away from this. I know I have, and it’s because I had always feared rejection. “What if I host a birthday dinner for myself and no one comes?” Thoughts like this plagued me and gave me anxiety because it forced me to face the possibility that my relationships with others weren’t as strong as I thought they were or that “no one loves me…”
…so I avoided them by never putting myself in a position to get hurt.
However, one of my mentors mentioned to me that life comes in seasons. Ecclesiastes 3:4 states that there is “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” We aren’t made to only work and never celebrate our accomplishments with those we care about. He also said that by not celebrating the milestones in our lives, we are actually robbing others of the ability to love us and care for us – something we are called to do for the important people in our lives.
So I decided to host the Grand Opening Party for Heavenly Plastic Surgery, not really knowing how it would turn out. I reached out to friends, family, colleagues, my church, and even the local community to invite them to celebrate with me. As the event drew nearer, my anxiety grew and self-defeating thoughts began creeping into my head. “What if no one shows up? What if it’s a complete failure? What if I’m just sitting there alone the whole time like a loser?”
The turnout to the grand opening was a blessing like I never could have imagined. Even with the rain and many people being sick, over 100 people showed up. A group from Saddleback Church showed up early to pray over the office space and anoint the doors. After that, it was nonstop greeting, hosting, catching up, and touring the office to the point that I forgot to eat for the entire event! I say this not to brag, but rather in gratitude for all of the love and support that overwhelmed my heart with joy.
Relationships really are the key to life, and what are we working, learning, or creating for if not for the ones we love? It’s okay to open up to others. You don’t have to tackle the world on your own. This experience taught me to lean on the important people in my life and trust that they will care for me.
Thank you all so much again for coming! I love and appreciate you.